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August 11, 2021

St. Susanna (d. 3rd century) was the beautiful daughter of Gabinius, a priest, and niece of Pope Caius. Susanna refused Emperor Diocletian's request that she marry his son-in-law Maximian. Susanna converted two of her uncles, Claudius and Maximus who were court officers sent by Diocletian to persuade her to marry, to Christianity. Diocletian was so enraged by what she had done that he sent one of his favorites, Julian, to deal with the matter. Julian had Maximus, Claudius and his wife, Praepedigna, and their two sons, burned to death at Cumae, and then had Susanna and her father beheaded.

St. Susanna please pray for us to do as many good deeds and convert more people to God for the limited time we are on this earth.

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