Today we celebrate the "Memorial of Saint Basil the Great and Saint Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops and Doctors of the Church".
This is a beautiful day which celebrates the sainthood of two friends. Saints Basil and Gregory were friends growing up together. Although Saint Basil was nobility he helped the poor and later left all of his possessions and became a monk. Saint Gregory was very humble to always think that he was not worthy and that his responsibility would test his faith. But when it came to things that matter both of these friends defended the truth against the heresy of Arianism (Arius denied the divinity of Jesus).
Saint Gregory's father, mother and brothers were all saints. We can learn from these saints that if we grow in holiness we can attract others to be holy and be closer to saint hood.
Beloved Saint Basil and Saint Gregory please help us to be brave and stand for the truth and God. Also, teach us to be humble like you to trust in God whole heartedly.
