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July 20, 2021

St. Margaret of Antioch was the daughter of a pagan priest in Pisidia. When Margaret converted to Christianity her father kicked her out of the home. She was then caught by one of the officials for being a Christian and was tortured and later imprisoned. While she was in prison she had an encounter with the devil in the form of a dragon. According to the legend, he swallowed her, but the cross she carried in her hand so irritated his throat that he was forced to disgorge her. The next day, attempts were made to execute her by fire and then by drowning, but she was miraculously saved and converted thousands of spectators witnessing her ordeal, all of whom were promptly executed. Finally, she was beheaded.

St. Margaret please pray for us to not be bothered by the devil.

Patroness of: Childbirth.

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