St. Charles Lwanga & Companions were converts to Christianity in Uganda. There was King named Mwanga who was a violent ruler and pedophile who forced himself on the young boys and men who served him as pages and attendants in Uganda. The Christians at Mwanga's court tried to protect the pages from King Mwanga. This angered the King and the King gathered all the Christians and tied them with a rope on their neck and made them walk in one line to an area for final persecution. After a long walk the executioner pulled out Charles Lwanga from the crowd and burned him alive. Before Charles was burned he looked at the other Christians and told them that he would see them in heaven. The executioner then piled on the rest of the Christians and burned them alive. The Christians proclaimed: "You can burn our bodies, but you cannot harm our souls".
St. Charles Lwanga & Companions pray for us to be more conscious of our spiritual being on a daily basis.
