St. Cantius, Cantianus, Cantianilla, & Protus (d. 304) lived in Rome. Cantius, Cantianus were brothers and their sister was Cantianilla. Cantius, Cantianus & Cantianilla beloned to a noble Roman family. They were orphaned and were raised by a Christian named Protus. They were rich but they freed their slaves, sold their estates, gave to the poor, and fled to Aquileia, Italy, when Emperor Diocletian started persecuting Christians. They were captured in Aquae Gradatae and were asked to make sacrifices to the pagan gods. All of them refused to make sacrifices to the pagan gods and so they were all beheaded.
St. Cantius, Cantianus, Cantianilla, & Protus pray for us to learn the true meaning of being rich in heaven.
